Friday, June 02, 2006

Alive and Well!!

Well, this weekend we survived our very first Semmens Family Camp-out. Or, is it a "camp-in" if we were in a pop-up camper? I think it would still be considered a camp-OUT because we froze our little booties off when it RAINED and SNOWED on us. We didn't bring sleeping bags because, well, I am not sure. They are zero degree bags and I guess we didn't want to be too hot. Anyway.

We managed to have a lot of fun. The boys all enjoyed (supervised) bebe gun shooting, fishing in a little stream with no fish in it for about 10 minutes, making smores with a fire coaxed into existence by lighting on fire a lot of papertowels to get the damp wood going.... I have to insert our Miracle here: Brennen and Ethan were by the fire and Chris and I were doing something with the other boys. The next thing we hear is screaming and crying- aparently, Ethan had tripped and his hands went INTO the fire. it was really scary. Well, after a lot of trying to figure out what had happened, Chris basically discovered that his hands were "a little tingly" but otherwise, not a single burn in sight! He was totally fine- Praise God!! The boys also enjoyed chopping wood and we had a fun little hike the next day after the sun decied to come out again.

SO, that was it. Initially, I was thinking, "wow, this is a lot of prep for ONE night!!" But, Chris and I were ready for our warm bed and happy to go home the next day. As my mom said, it's better to leave us all wanting more, than coming back never wanting to go camping again! Wise, mom. :)

Well, I brought my new digital camera on the trip to I'll try to figure out soon how to get the pics onto the computer. No promises as to when that might actually happen... I've been busy trying to wash, fold, and get laundry put away for oh... three days now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kris,

Sounds like you guys had a blast. So glad Ethan's hands are OK!

I bet the boys will always think back with good memories about your camping trips.


June 02, 2006  

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